Why Donate To KCR?

In Kitsap County, there are more than 24,000 people living at or below the federal poverty level. To visualize this number of people, imagine sitting at a sold-out Mariners game and drawing a line that divided the stadium into two equal parts. More than half of everyone seated on one side of that line would represent the number of people who are –  at this very moment – living in our community without the ability to provide food and shelter for themselves and their families.

17% of that number – 4,000+ – are children under the age of five.

Your donations enable KCR to house the homeless, provide affordable pre-school classes to low-income children, help a displaced worker learn new work skills, and so much more.

See Crystal’s Story for more information on the Challenges of Affordable Housing!

Please consider partnering with KCR as a monthly donor or choose to make a one-time donation. If you do select “monthly,” you can change your donation status at any time.

KCR and the families we serve, thank you!



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