How to Write a Basic Business Plan

845 KCR Building 845 8th St, Bremerton

In this class we will learn how to write out a basic business plan and describe a business model. THIS IS A FREE CLASS! REGISTER FOR THIS CLASS BY COMPLETING OUR FORM HERE.


845 KCR Building 845 8th St, Bremerton

Come Join Kitsap Community Resources and Compressions for Life and learn the basics of Emergency First Aid and CPR! THIS IS A FREE CLASS! REGISTRATIONS FOR THIS CLASS ARE CLOSED. YOU CAN REGISTER FOR THE NEXT ONE ON FEB 27 BY COMPLETING OUR FORM HERE.

Collection & Debt Management

845 KCR Building 845 8th St, Bremerton

Debt Management is one of the best skills you can have in nowadays economy. Why not learn it for FREE? THIS IS A FREE CLASS! REGISTER FOR THIS CLASS BY COMPLETING OUR FORM HERE.

Safe Employment – Free From Exploitation

845 KCR Building 845 8th St, Bremerton

Participants will gain tools to pre-identify unsafe job opportunities while building the capacity to develop confidence in self advocacy.   THIS IS A FREE CLASS! REGISTER FOR THIS CLASS BY COMPLETING OUR FORM HERE.

Renting: Tenants Right & Responsibilities

845 KCR Building 845 8th St, Bremerton

This class will go over the rights and responsibilities you have while renting.  THIS IS A FREE CLASS! REGISTER FOR THIS CLASS BY COMPLETING OUR FORM HERE.

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