Job Club
845 KCR Building 845 8th St, BremertonLooking for a job? We can help you learn how to search, how to prepare for an interview and much more. THIS IS A FREE CLASS! REGISTER FOR THIS CLASS BY COMPLETING OUR FORM HERE.
Looking for a job? We can help you learn how to search, how to prepare for an interview and much more. THIS IS A FREE CLASS! REGISTER FOR THIS CLASS BY COMPLETING OUR FORM HERE.
Understanding what the community offers means being informed and know where to go when you need help. THIS IS A FREE CLASS! REGISTER FOR THIS CLASS BY COMPLETING OUR FORM HERE.
In this class we will go over the thought process behind the pricing within your business THIS IS A FREE CLASS! REGISTER FOR THIS CLASS BY COMPLETING OUR FORM HERE.
Learn the financial side of buying a vehicle. THIS IS A FREE CLASS! REGISTER FOR THIS CLASS BY COMPLETING OUR FORM HERE.
In this two-part series we will learn about the three fundamentals of business and help students formulate an understanding on if they are in a position to start their own entrepreneurship journey. THIS IS A FREE CLASS! REGISTER FOR THIS CLASS BY COMPLETING OUR FORM HERE.