
KCR serves thousands of families and individuals each year, but we couldn’t do it without the help of volunteers. Our volunteers are everyday people – just like you! They choose to volunteer because they want to do something about the unmet needs they see around them every day, they want to give back to their community, or they may want to learn and grow as they help others.

Join us in making a difference in the lives of those who need it most. KCR volunteers make a tremendous difference at KCR, they help with:

  • Administrative tasks
  • Volunteer for the KCR Christmas Angel program
  • Paint homeless shelters
  • Help KCR AmeriCorps team members complete community projects
  • Give their time and skills wherever they are needed

Are you ready to get involved; to partner with KCR in its effort to serve those in need? Please contact our Volunteering Team for more information.


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